
Certain requests to the AirMap API requires authorization through the use of an AuthenticationToken. That is, the user must have granted permission for an application to access the requested data. To prove that the user has granted permission, the request header sent by the application must include a valid access token.

Authentication tokens may be acquired through the AuthenticationService class using the LoginAsync method, and providing an AirMap instance, a username and a password.

AuthenticationToken at = await AuthenticationService.LoginAsync(am, username, password);

A token may also be created using an APIConfiguration instance:

AuthenticationToken at = await AuthenticationService.LoginAsync(apiConfig, username, password);

Or, a token may be created with an ID token acquired through alternate means:

AuthenticationToken at = new AuthenticationToken(id_token);

This token may then be used in the AirMap instance by assigning it to the instance's AuthenticationToken property:

AirMap am = new AirMap(...);

am.AuthenticationToken = at;

To check whether the AuthenticationToken has expired, use the IsValid property:

if (!am.AuthenticationToken.IsValid)
   // Make the user log back in

Authentication Errors

Authentication problems can arise in many AirMap endpoints. All authentication errors are encapsulated with the AuthenticationException class, which contains information about the cause of the error.

The three causes of authentication errors during login are: - The client ID is unavailable - The user credentials were incorrect - A request for user information failed

The two main causes of authentication errors during runtime are: - The AuthenticationToken property on the AirMap instance has been unset - The token is no longer valid

AuthenticationToken Properties

Property Description
Issuer The issuer of the authentication token. Always
Subject The user ID.
Audience The client ID that the token is valid for.
Expiry The time the authentication token expires.
IssuedAt The time the authentication token was issued.
IsValid true if the current time is between IssuedAt and Expiry.
Token The raw ID token.
User Details about the user account behind the AuthenticationToken